Book review 8: God shall shake the Church and the world in the end-time


God shall shake the Church and the world in the end-time

Recapitulation of the divine actions of the Son of God in and through the Holy Spirit in the end-time.

  1. The Son of God returns invisibly in and through the Holy Spirit to the earth.
  2. He comes for judgements over the Church and over the world, which are in multiplied iniquity.
  3. He takes the stewardship over all spiritual labour in Church and world in His own hand.
  4. He calls, affirms and empowers certain spiritual servants, who has to bear the brunch as His messengers to prepare the way for Him to recover the Church.
  5. He does proclaim the everlasting Gospel over the whole world
  6. He pours (the light of) His Holy Spirit over all flesh, which makes that people will obtain insight in His Divine will and Word , and in their sinful consciousness.
  7. He calls His wise children’s to accept His offer of total redemption of the power of satan and sin by personally taking part in His death and resurrection (in the marriage supper of God’s Lamb).
  8. He baptises all God’s wise children in His purifying Fire and redeems them so of all the power of satan and sin.
  9. He pours His Latter Rain over His wise Children and showers them so with new divine life.
  10. Hereafter He clothes them inwardly and outwardly with marriage clothes and jewellery.
  11. He celebrates with His Bride here on earth His bridal festival and glorified her with divine glory.
  12. He girds her with His power and crowns he with His majesty.
  13. He uses her as His instrument to recover the Church. To obtain this He wages war against the sin dragon (satan) in the Church and brings so about the total victory over satan and his power of sin in the Church (the Body of Christ).
  14. He uses her also to bring about the great world wide revival, by which numerous souls will be won as His spiritual harvest for God’s Kingdom.
  15. At the same time, after the war of Gog and Magog (the 3rd world war), He brings the whole of Israel (all the 12 tribes) back to Canaan, after He has made the land ready for their return.

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By E. van den Worm



About De Eindtijdbode

Een 'roepende in de woestijn' die 'de bazuin blaast' om velen (via GRATIS Bijbelstudies) te tonen "de dingen die - volgens Gods plan - spoedig geschieden zullen". Volgens Openbaring 1 vers 1, 10 en 19.
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